Use UDP & TCP Client and RS232 to control Modular Matrix Switchers

Use UDP & TCP Client and RS232 to control Modular Matrix Switchers

The  modular matrix switcher series can support the UDP & TCP and Serial/COM port control, please see the steps in as below:

These steps work with the below product lines. 

These codes do not work on another matrix switch


Users will need to make sure the control PC and the matrix switch are in the same network.

  • The port number is 4000.
  • We recommend 2 software (TCP-UDP-RS232 Helper and hercules_3-2-8)
  • The default IP address of the matrix switcher LAN1:, LAN2:

TCP Client

  • The port number is 5000
  • We recommend 2 software(TCP-UDP-RS232 Helper and hercules_3-2-8).
  • The default IP address of the matrix switcher LAN1:, LAN2:

Serial/COM port control

We recommend 2 software (TCP-UDP-RS232 Helper and hercules_3-2-8). The default baud rates for the matrix switcher COM1: 115200 , COM2: 115200

  • Data bit: 8bit
  • Check Parity: NONE
  • Stop Bits: 1 bit

Users will need to check and ensure use the available COM ports on the PC through the Device manager on the PC:

After found the available COM port number, user can use the RS232 control software to control the matrix switcher by sending the RS232 codes:

Control Commands:

Control commandFunction description
1All.Switch input 1 to all the outputs
All1.Switch all the channels to be one to one. Eg.1->1,2->2,3->3……
1X2.Switch input 1 to output 2
1X2&3&4.Switch input 1 to output 2, 3, 4
Save1.Save current switching status to Mode 1, 1 can be other numbers from  1~24
Recall1.Recall the saved mode 1, 1 can be other number from 1~24
BeepON.Buzzer on
BeepOFF.Buzzer off
X?.Check the switching status, X stands for the input numbers: 1,2,3…
Baud Rate 1/ COM 1115200
Baud Rate 2/ COM 2115200
Data bits8
Stop Bits1
Check BitsNONE
TCP/IP Port:5000
UDP Port4000
Function descriptionASCIIHEX
Input 1 to All 9 Outputs1All.31414c4c2e
Input 2 to All 9 Outputs2All.32414c4c2e
Input 3 to All 9 Outputs3All.33414c4c2e
Input 4 to All 9 Outputs4All.34414c4c2e
Input 5 to All 9 Outputs5All.35414c4c2e
Input 6 to All 9 Outputs6All.36414c4c2e
Input 7 to All 9 Outputs7All.37414c4c2e
Input 8 to All 9 Outputs8All.38414c4c2e
Input 9 to All 9 Outputs9All.39414c4c2e
Check input 1 switching status1?.313f2e
Check input 2 switching status2?.323f2e
Check input 3 switching status3?.333f2e
Check input 4 switching status4?.343f2e
Check input 5 switching status5?.353f2e
Check input 6 switching status6?.363f2e
Check input 7 switching status7?.373f2e
Check input 8 switching status8?.383f2e
Check input 9 switching status9?.393f2e
Switch all the channels to be one to one
Input 1 to Output 1, output 2, output 3, output 41X2&3&4.315832263326342e
Save current switching status to Preset/Scene 1Save1.53617665312e
Save current switching status to Preset/Scene 2Save2.53617665322e
Save current switching status to Preset/Scene 3Save3.53617665332e
Recall Preset/Scene 1Recall1.526563616c6c312e
Recall Preset/Scene 2Recall2.526563616c6c322e
Recall Preset/Scene 3Recall3.526563616c6c332e
Recall Preset/Scene 4Recall4.526563616c6c342e
Input 1 to Output 11X1.3158312e
Input 1 to Output 21X2.3158322e
Input 1 to Output 31X3.3158332e
Input 1 to Output 41X4.3158342e
Input 1 to Output 51X5.3158352e
Input 1 to Output 61X6.3158362e
Input 1 to Output 71X7.3158372e
Input 1 to Output 81X8.3158382e
Input 1 to Output 91X9.3158392e
Input 2 to Output 12X1.3258312e
Input 2 to Output 22X2.3258322e
Input 2 to Output 32X3.3258332e
Input 2 to Output 42X4.3258342e
Input 2 to Output 52X5.3258352e
Input 2 to Output 62X6.3258362e
Input 2 to Output 72X7.3258372e
Input 2 to Output 82X8.3258382e
Input 2 to Output 92X9.3258392e
Input 3 to Output 13X1.3358312e
Input 3 to Output 23X2.3358322e
Input 3 to Output 33X3.3358332e
Input 3 to Output 43X4.3358342e
Input 3 to Output 53X5.3358352e
Input 3 to Output 63X6.3358362e
Input 3 to Output 73X7.3358372e
Input 3 to Output 83X8.3358382e
Input 3 to Output 93X9.3358392e
Input 4 to Output 14X1.3458312e
Input 4 to Output 24X2.3458322e
Input 4 to Output 34X3.3458332e
Input 4 to Output 44X4.3458342e
Input 4 to Output 54X5.3458352e
Input 4 to Output 64X6.3458362e
Input 4 to Output 74X7.3458372e
Input 4 to Output 84X8.3458382e
Input 4 to Output 94X9.3458392e
Input 5 to Output 15X1.3558312e
Input 5 to Output 25X2.3558322e
Input 5 to Output 35X3.3558332e
Input 5 to Output 45X4.3558342e
Input 5 to Output 55X5.3558352e
Input 5 to Output 65X6.3558362e
Input 5 to Output 75X7.3558372e
Input 5 to Output 85X8.3558382e
Input 5 to Output 95X9.3558392e
Input 6 to Output 16X1.3658312e
Input 6 to Output 26X2.3658322e
Input 6 to Output 36X3.3658332e
Input 6 to Output 46X4.3658342e
Input 6 to Output 56X5.3658352e
Input 6 to Output 66X6.3658362e
Input 6 to Output 76X7.3658372e
Input 6 to Output 86X8.3658382e
Input 6 to Output 96X9.3658392e
Input 7 to Output 17X1.3758312e
Input 7 to Output 27X2.3758322e
Input 7 to Output 37X3.3758332e
Input 7 to Output 47X4.3758342e
Input 7 to Output 57X5.3758352e
Input 7 to Output 67X6.3758362e
Input 7 to Output 77X7.3758372e
Input 7 to Output 87X8.3758382e
Input 7 to Output 97X9.3758392e
Input 8 to Output 18X1.3858312e
Input 8 to Output 28X2.3858322e
Input 8 to Output 38X3.3858332e
Input 8 to Output 48X4.3858342e
Input 8 to Output 58X5.3858352e
Input 8 to Output 68X6.3858362e
Input 8 to Output 78X7.3858372e
Input 8 to Output 88X8.3858382e
Input 8 to Output 98X9.3858392e
Input 9 to Output 19X1.3958312e
Input 9 to Output 29X2.3958322e
Input 9 to Output 39X3.3958332e
Input 9 to Output 49X4.3958342e
Input 9 to Output 59X5.3958352e
Input 9 to Output 69X6.3958362e
Input 9 to Output 79X7.3958372e
Input 9 to Output 89X8.3958382e
Input 9 to Output 99X9.3958392e